Success stories

Southwest City Workforce Development Strategy

Cleveland, OH


A mid-sized Texas city engaged Vestian to address critical economic development challenges, including poverty reduction, increased labor force participation, and higher area income. The city aimed to bridge the gap between residents' skill sets and local business needs while simultaneously improving job quality and career advancement opportunities in the region.

360° analysis
comprehensive workforce studies, employer interviews, and demand-side analytics performed
7 key action steps
developed and incorporated into the community's strategic plan
Ongoing impact study
continues to be referenced on the city's website, serving as KPIs for residents


The city grappled with a twofold economic development challenge. Firstly, many residents lacked the necessary skills to meet the talent needs of the region's core businesses, while also facing additional barriers such as inadequate childcare and transportation. Secondly, local businesses predominantly offered low-skilled, poorly paid positions with limited career advancement opportunities. This situation not only affected current residents but also potentially deterred future high-quality employers from investing in the area, as they might view the community solely as a low-cost location for basic assembly and warehousing operations.


Vestian's consulting team developed a comprehensive strategy to address these challenges. Our team conducted extensive field work and research over several months, including community interviews, focus groups, workshops, workforce studies, and employer interviews. They also performed demand-side analytics to determine true employment needs and assessed infrastructure, transportation options, and the local real estate market.

Based on this thorough analysis, we created a set of actionable steps for long-term solution implementation. These steps included implementing an Employer-Driven Workplace Readiness Skills Training Program, developing Target Industry Job Fairs, extending Employer Consortium activities to include shared training needs, creating a "Bring Jobs to People" initiative, improving the City's Economic Development Services, and developing an Education Pathway specifically designed to help minorities successfully enter and complete college. We incorporated these action steps into a living document that became part of the community's strategic plan. This comprehensive approach not only addressed immediate workforce challenges but also laid the groundwork for sustainable economic growth and improved quality of life for the city's residents.

Success Stories