Success stories

Economic Development Corporation

Cleveland, OH


Vestian partnered with a 17-county Economic Development Corporation to provide comprehensive support for their business attraction and retention programs. Our engagement offered a unique perspective from a site consultant, reflecting the objectives of our corporate clients to enhance the region's economic development efforts.

Economic Development Corporation
"of counsel" engagement
Services included:
community assessments, economic impact studies, industrial "spec" building market studies, story mapping and GIS support, marketing campaign strategies, economic forecasting, and targeted industry and company leads


The Economic Development Corporation needed to supplement and enhance its business attraction and retention programs. They sought a partner who could provide a menu of services and offer insights from a site consultant's perspective, aligning with the objectives of corporate clients.


Vestian developed a comprehensive, long-term consulting engagement personalized to the Economic Development Corporation's needs. We provided a range of specialized services, including community assessments, economic impact studies, and industrial "spec" building market studies. Our team also offered story mapping and GIS support, marketing campaign strategies, economic forecasting, and targeted industry and company leads. By employing a relationship-based approach combined with methodical and thorough processes, we delivered best-in-class solutions. Our strategy involved unconventional approaches to achieve the desired objectives, ensuring that our client could meet and exceed their business attraction and retention goals in terms of job creation and capital investment. This personalized, multifaceted approach allowed the Economic Development Corporation to leverage Vestian's expertise in corporate real estate and site selection, providing them with valuable insights and tools to enhance their economic development efforts across the 17-county region.

Success Stories